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Qi Jiang



Womenswear, Unisex, Other/ Not listed

在生活中,尽职尽责,我关心班级同学,积极调整班内同学关系,且同学们遇到困难或者专业上的困扰都会找我解决 ,在学习上,高中时期加入竞赛队,系统地学习了服装立体裁剪和基本的服装工艺缝制,并在市、省中职技能大赛中获得一等奖、三等奖,服装技术专业能力突出,长运用AI,PS,CDR等电脑绘图软件,和CAD制版软件,且在大学自学style3D,会基本缝制和面料填充 In life, I do my duty, care about classmates, and actively adjust the relationship between classmates in the class, and students will come to me to solve difficulties or professional troubles. In study, when I was in high school, I joined the competition team, systematically learned three-dimensional clothing cutting and basic clothing craft sewing, and won the first prize and the third prize in the municipal and provincial secondary vocational skills competitions. With outstanding professional ability in clothing technology, I have long used computer drawing software such as AI,PS,CDR, and CAD plate-making software. Besides, I learned style3D by myself in university, and can sew and fill fabrics

节竹傲骨(Section bamboo proud)

Category: Apparel

Competitions: China Mainland

本设计灵感来源于竹子与水墨。竹子与水墨是中国传统元素的代 表。竹子代表高贵的品质和坚韧不屈的精神,它端正、高洁、不畏风 雨、屹立不倒。本设计主要采用竹子元素,在袖子、裤子的造型上采 用立体竹子造型,表达其坚韧不屈,桀骜风骨;在衣身、披风、下摆 等位置,用水墨画的写意形式表现竹子的端正、高洁品质,又肆意洒 脱的风采 The design is inspired by bamboo and ink painting. Bamboo and ink painting are generations of traditional Chinese elementsTable. Bamboo stands for noble quality and tenacious spirit, it is correct, noble, not afraid of the windRain, standing. This design mainly uses bamboo elements, in the shape of sleeves and pants, to pickUsing three-dimensional bamboo modeling to express its tough and unyielding, rebellious bones; On clothing, mantle, hemSuch positions, with the brushwork form of ink painting to express the bamboo's correct, noble quality, and wanton sprinkling Unadorned appearance

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