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嘉祺 彭

Jiangxi Fashion Institute

Fashion & Costume Design (Fashion Design)

Apparel, Womenswear, Sustainable Design

1、2021年4月在“守护心灵,茁壮成长”心理情景剧大赛中荣获第一名 2、2021年10月在"映山红"牛仔时尚发布秀中荣获优秀奖 3、2021年11月在江西服装学院第十九届网球比赛中荣获女子组第六名 4、2021年12月荣获"爱劳动奖学金" 5、2022年4月被评为2021年度"优秀共青团员"荣誉称号 1. In February 2021, he won the first place in the psychological sitcom competition of "Soul Protection Thrive" In 2021, March 2021, he won the "Yingshan Red" denim fashion show excellence award 19. In April 2021, she won the sixth place in the women's category of the 19th Tennis Competition of Jiangxi Fashion Institute 5. Won the "Love Labor Scholarship" in 2022 and 2021 , year, month, was awarded the honorary title of "Excellent Communist Youth League Member" of the year


Category: Apparel

Competitions: China Mainland, International

人们呼呼女性应该独立自由,应该道求自己的事业,不应该接受男性高高在上、对女性顾指气使;与此同时,社会中同时又充斥着关于女性如何成为性感娇娃、一个贤妻良母的建设和准则。本系列设计主要展示女性自信洒脱,从容自如的一面。 People call for women to be independent and free, to seek their own careers, and not to accept men as supreme and commanding women; At the same time, society is also full of construction and norms about how women can become sexy dolls, a good wife and mother. This series of designs mainly shows the confident and relaxed side of women.

Working with our partners at Arts Thread to develop lifelong learning and career opportunities for students of fashion and design. Our partnership provides the opportunity to compete on a world stage, participate in industry led workshops, set up an outstanding portfolio and gain access to the resources that will kickstart careers in fashion and design.