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Pei-Chen Yu

Shih Chien University

Fashion Design BFA

Womenswear, Bags, Jewellery

I am the student of Taiwan Shih Chien University. My major is fashion design, and I am a senior now. I’m very fond of fashion, and always feel enthusiastic about making clothes. In my opinion, life experience is a huge nutrient for design. I enjoy observing everything funny in my daily life, and I have a habit of recording these interesting things on videos, photos, and drawings. I was a trainee of JENN LEE, which is a famous fashion brand from Taiwan. My boss taught me how to take a good video that record the details like people’s actions and expressions. I needed to be sensible and courageous to get some attractive shots. Everytime when we held some activities like fashion shows or exhibition, my boss always assigned me to make records for the brand. Besides, I am adept at pattern drafting and construction. When I started to learn how to make clothes, it was really difficult for me to understand the concepts. After exercising for two years, my skills progressed a lot. I am honest and always willing to try and practice new things. I always spend a great deal of time to achieve my goals. Although I fail many times, I don’t give up, and keep doing fashion design with heart and soul.

Close to you: Leather Binoculars Bag

Category: Accessories

Competitions: Taiwan Region, International

Overlooking the cities from the sky, we can see the brown grounds, green mountains, and several houses. Because of the far distance, the things we get become tiny. However, we can use binoculars to change that, and turn everything into close and clear. Based on the shape of binoculars to design the bag, the function of changing distance is switched to some leather straps with belt buckles and holes. Also, these accessories allow us to modify the size of the bag. In addition, the design is also seen to be a symbol to shorten the distance between cities. Especially we live under the post pandemic era, what we can do to connect with others as close as before is worth thinking about.

Working with our partners at Arts Thread to develop lifelong learning and career opportunities for students of fashion and design. Our partnership provides the opportunity to compete on a world stage, participate in industry led workshops, set up an outstanding portfolio and gain access to the resources that will kickstart careers in fashion and design.