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yuanyuan li

Donghua University

Costume Design MFA


东华大学在读研究生,专业为服装设计。本科毕业之后曾进入中国500强企业国泰国际集团的核心公司国泰华盛工作,就职期间为 TOMMY HILFIGER/CKJ/CKP/DKNY等品牌提供针织女装开发工作。 I am a graduate student at Donghua University, pursuing a degree in Fashion Design.After earning my bachelor degree, I kicked off my career at Guotai Huasheng, a core subsidiary of Guotai International Group, one of Chinese top 500 enterprises, where I developed knitted womenswear for brands like CK Jeans, TOMMY HILFIGER and DKNY, etc.

《荒原觉醒录》 Awakening in the Wildness

Category: Apparel

Competitions: China Mainland

设计理念: 《荒原觉醒录》的设计灵感源于美国摄影师 Carol Beckwith 和 Angela Fisher 的非洲游牧部落影像集。她们镜头中朴素粗犷却极富设计感的游牧文化元素成为荒原觉醒录的设计源泉。荒原觉醒录选用牛皮、羊毛、粗麻等天然材料,并收集废弃面料进行制作,结合3D打印技术塑造皮革纹样,将循环设计、零废弃设计理念应用到再生时尚领域,力求将对环境的影响降到最低。这正呼应着游牧民族崇尚自然、节用资源的朴素智慧。此系列希望以时尚之力唤起人们的文化记忆和生态意识,以觉醒之名倡导人与自然和谐共生的慢时尚生活方式,共建可持续未来的时尚革命。 Design Philosophy: The design inspiration for Awakening in the Wildness stems from the African nomadic tribe imagery captured by American photographers Carol Beckwith and Angela Fisher. The simple, rugged, yet highly design-oriented nomadic cultural elements in their lens have become the design source for this collection. Awakening in the Wildness utilizes natural materials such as cowhide, wool, and coarse linen, and collects discarded fabrics for production. By combining 3D printing technology to shape leather patterns, the concept of circular design and zero-waste design is applied to the field of regenerative fashion, striving to minimize the impact on the environment. This resonates with the simple wisdom of nomadic tribes who respect nature and conserve resources. This series hopes to awaken cultural memory and ecological awareness through the power of fashion, advocating a slow fashion lifestyle of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature in the name of awakening, and jointly building a fashion revolution for a sustainable future. 设计方法创新: 《荒原觉醒录》在设计方法上的创新之处体现在对循环设计和零废弃设计理念的运用。 1. 循环设计理念:此系列采用废旧皮革作为主要材料。通过特殊的清洗、打磨、染色、压纹等工艺,赋予废旧皮革以全新的生命。这不仅赋予服装独特的复古质感与岁月印记,更减少了地球碳足迹,彰显绿色之美。 2. 零废弃设计理念:《荒原觉醒录》采用零浪费裁剪技术,将布料的利用率提高到最大化。对于不可避免产生的边角料,也会创造性地设计成配饰或装饰元素,真正实现'零浪费'。 《荒原觉醒录》融合了循环设计与零废弃设计理念,重塑废旧皮革,昭示慢时尚与环保和谐共生的美好愿景。 Innovative Design Methods: The innovation in the design methods of Awakening in the Wildness is reflected in the application of circular design and zero-waste design concepts. Circular Design Concept: This series uses discarded leather as the main material. Through special processes such as cleaning, polishing, dyeing, and embossing, discarded leather is given a new life. This not only endows the garments with a unique vintage texture and the imprint of time but also reduces the carbon footprint on the earth, highlighting the beauty of being green. Zero-Waste Design Concept: Awakening in the Wildness adopts zero-waste cutting techniques to maximize the utilization of fabrics. For the inevitably generated scraps, they are creatively designed into accessories or decorative elements, truly achieving 'zero waste'. Awakening in the Wildness integrates the concepts of circular design and zero-waste design, reshaping discarded leather, and demonstrating the beautiful vision of slow fashion and environmental protection in harmonious coexistence.

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