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Shih Chien University

Department of fashion design and merchandising

Womenswear, Footwear, Textiles- Knit

我是朱淑惠, 個性矛盾,在設計上亦是如此, 喜歡把相反的事物結合,製造衝突美感。 著迷於古老而神秘的歷史, 最喜歡中國文化元素。 自認為自己唯一的閃光點, 就是足夠感性, 能感知到周遭人的情緒, 所以更可以捕捉生活中微不足道的風景, 產生新的設計靈感。 喜歡文字和影像, 在所有的創作形式中, 選擇了時尚設計去表達自己, 試圖把自己所感受到的事物傳達給世界, 並且渴望能得到回應。 畢業後,希望能夠進入鞋類品牌工作, 或者開設自己的皮革工坊。 I'm CHU,SHU-HUI, Contradictory personalities, the same is true in design, I like to combine opposite things to create conflicting beauty. Fascinated by ancient and mysterious history, I like Chinese cultural elements the most. I consider myself the only shining point, is emotional enough, sense the emotions of those around you, So you can capture the insignificant scenery in life, Generate new design inspiration. I like words and images, In all forms of creation, Choose fashion design to express yourself, Trying to communicate to the world what you feel, And longing for a response. After graduation, I hope to work in a shoe brand, Or start your own leather workshop.

Oriental beauty

Category: Footwear

Competitions: UK, Philippines, Taiwan Region, International

把各朝代文物交織融合, 讓古代工匠們跨越時空對話, 凝聚東方美學, 一窺中華文化的淵遠流長。 以金蓮花鞋作為設計原型, 改造成更具現代化的造型, 擷取不同時代的文物特色, 將其簡化並結合在一起, 在展現新面貌的同時, 不失歷史韻味。 鞋身上的圖案皆採用數位印刷製成, 代替傳統刺繡、手繪......等工藝, 以創新的方式製作, 這不僅具有新舊交替、時代更迭的意味, 更有對歷史保存與文化傳承的期許。 The cultural relics of various dynasties are intertwined and integrated, Let the ancient craftsmen talk across time and space, Condensing oriental aesthetics, Get a glimpse of the long history of Chinese culture. Taking the golden lotus shoes as the design prototype, Transformed into a more modern shape, Extracting the characteristics of cultural relics from different eras, Simplify it and combine it, While showing a new look, Without losing the historical charm. The patterns on the shoes are all digitally printed. Instead of traditional embroidery, hand-painting... and other crafts, made in an innovative way, This not only means the alternation of the old and the new and the changing of the times, There is even more expectation for historical preservation and cultural inheritance.

Working with our partners at Arts Thread to develop lifelong learning and career opportunities for students of fashion and design. Our partnership provides the opportunity to compete on a world stage, participate in industry led workshops, set up an outstanding portfolio and gain access to the resources that will kickstart careers in fashion and design.