书博 胡
Wuhan Textile University
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Womenswear, Denim, Menswear
我叫胡书博,2025年毕业于武汉纺织大学大学服装与服饰设计专业,在大学期间,平均绩点3.8,我有2年兼职工作经验,大学期间有在暑期时间参与汉绣社团的实践经验,我熟练掌握ps ai工具,精通CAD画版,在工作中我具有良好的学习能力和抗压能力。我对服装制版非常感兴趣,我我对待工作积极认真,毫不马虎,能极快的适应工作节奏,对待困难保持积极的态度。 My name is Hu Shubo. I graduated from Wuhan Textile University with a major in Fashion and Fashion Design in 2025. During my time in university, my average GPA was 3.8. I have 2 years of part-time work experience and practical experience in participating in Han embroidery clubs during the summer. I am proficient in PS AI tools and proficient in CAD drawing. In my work, I have good learning and stress resistance abilities. I am very interested in clothing pattern making. I am proactive and serious in my work, not careless, and can adapt to the work pace very quickly. I maintain a positive attitude when facing difficulties.