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Shih Chien University

Costume Design BFA

Design, Atelier - Pattern Cutting, Womenswear

大家好我是李岱芸,來自台灣台北,目前就讀實踐大學服裝設計學系四年級。喜歡穿梭於大自然與城市之間,同時熱愛運動與時尚創作。由於從小就對服裝產業有憧憬,高中開始一路就讀時裝設計至今。我認為將設計理念轉變成作品的過程很迷人,這代表每個人對世界不同的觀點,以及對審美的理解。 我喜歡運用天然材質創作,雖然有缺陷的表面不是完美的,卻象徵著大自然的質樸與真實。就像是皮革,因應乳製品與肉品市場衍生出來的副產品,是極好的製衣原料。每年有將近一半的牛皮被廢棄掩埋,如果我們能善加利用它,不儘可以減少地球上的廢棄物,更能創造出永續又獨一無二的服裝。希望可以透過這個比賽,對我們的環境跟時裝產業盡一份心力,達成真正的永續時尚。 Hi I am Teresa, from Taipei, Taiwan. I am a senior in the Fashion Design Department of Shih Chien University.I like to travel between nature and the city, and also love sports and fashion design.I think the process of turning a design idea into a work is fascinating ,and which represents everyone's different perspective on the world and understanding of aesthetics.Due to the interest of clothing industry since I was a child, I have been studying fashion design since high school. I like to use natural materials to create works. Although the defective surface is not perfect, it symbolizes the simplicity and authenticity of nature.Taking leather as an example, by-products derived from the dairy and meat markets are excellent raw materials for making clothing.Nearly half of cowhide is discarded and buried every year. If we can make good use of it, we can not only reduce waste on the earth, but also create sustainable and unique garment.I hope that through this competition, we can contribute to our environment and fashion industry and achieve truly sustainable fashion.

Second Life

Category: Apparel

Competitions: Taiwan Region

像過去的自己告別,蛻變成為全新生命。 柔弱的毛毛蟲隻身歷經重重困難, 面對天敵的捕食攻擊、環境的風吹雨打, 最終破蛹而出,成為美麗動人的蝴蝶,展翅高飛。 Say goodbye to your past and transform into a new life. The weak caterpillar went through many difficulties alone. Facing the predatory attacks of natural enemies and harsh environment, it finally emerged from the pupa and became a beautiful butterfly, spreading its wings and flying high.

Working with our partners at Arts Thread to develop lifelong learning and career opportunities for students of fashion and design. Our partnership provides the opportunity to compete on a world stage, participate in industry led workshops, set up an outstanding portfolio and gain access to the resources that will kickstart careers in fashion and design.