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王 苏新

China Mainland

Costume Design BFA

Sportswear design, Unisex, Design

1.踏实勤奋耐心: 在本硕期间积极配合同学、老师和领导圆满完成校内外各项学习以及校内任务,师生沟通融洽,广结人缘。 2.专业知识牢固: 专业排名始终保持在前5,综合测评常年排名前3,熟练运用Photoshop、procreate、AI、服装ET、3DMAX等服装相关软;熟练运用mid和chat人工智能软件;熟练整理各类word,Excel等文件,办公效率高:通过英语四级,普通话二甲,获得多项设计类比赛证书。 3.实践经验丰富: 参加海峡设计训练营和公司制版组实习等实践活动,创办自己的公众号,10天点赞破3000,浏览量破3万,以及自己接单泉州工作室等相关设计合作,积累了丰富的实践经验,对服装行业有一定的认知和熟悉。

Working with our partners at Arts Thread to develop lifelong learning and career opportunities for students of fashion and design. Our partnership provides the opportunity to compete on a world stage, participate in industry led workshops, set up an outstanding portfolio and gain access to the resources that will kickstart careers in fashion and design.