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Shih Chien University

Fashion Design BFA

Womenswear, Haute Couture, Editorial Beauty

我是一位只要做,就會盡力做到最好的人,我認為每件事情,當你開始做,就要好好對待,才有開始的意義。 從小因為興趣學習美術長達10年以上,但因為並非學校內制度的學習,使美術對我來說,是一個很好幫助我表達設計以及情感的一樣工具。 我也是一位擁有很多興趣的人,除了美術,舞蹈、饒舌都是我人生中不可分割的事情。我會為了讓我的興趣變成一項能力而去上課學習,這使我在享受的過程中,也能投資自己。 最後,「活著,就是要不斷努力。」,這是我自己對於生命的意義。在平常時投資自己,有機會時把握,是我一直秉持著的! I am a person who will try to do the best, and I think that everything, when I start doing it, I have to treat it well to have the meaning of starting. I have been studying art for more than 10 years because of my interest, but because it is not a school system, art is a good tool for me to express my design and emotions. I am also a person with many interests, in addition to art, dance and rap are inseparable things in my life. I will go to classes to turn my interest into an ability, which allows me to invest in myself in the process of enjoyment. Finally, "To live is to keep working hard." This is my own meaning for life. Investing in myself in my usual time and grasping it when I have the opportunity is what I have always upheld!

Virtual Embrace

Category: Apparel

Competitions: Taiwan Region, International

虛擬與現實的交錯,使人們一不小心便身陷其中。幻想著虛擬世界中不真實的美好,能否如睡袋般環抱著自己,試圖逃脫現實的種種。 The interplay of virtual and real makes people accidentally trapped in it. Fantasize about the unreal beauty of the virtual world, whether you can hug yourself like a sleeping bag, trying to escape from reality.

Working with our partners at Arts Thread to develop lifelong learning and career opportunities for students of fashion and design. Our partnership provides the opportunity to compete on a world stage, participate in industry led workshops, set up an outstanding portfolio and gain access to the resources that will kickstart careers in fashion and design.