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李 佳洋

Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology

Footwear & Accessory Design BFA

Bags, Handbags, Hats

I am Li Jiayang and I come from Beijing Institute of Fashion. I am currently in my third year of college and I love leather handicrafts. I study leather handicraft related knowledge diligently on campus, and have been able to consolidate it through homework and extracurricular practice. Therefore, I have achieved excellent results in various courses. I hope that my work can be recognized by the judges in this competition

Red Queen

Category: Accessories

Competitions: China Mainland, International

设计说明: 紅桃王后”是迪士尼電影 《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》中的角色,紅王后象徵著某種無法控制的熱情,一種盲目而沒有目標的暴怒。希望能够保持童话风格并且增加包包的可玩性,在其中我选择了茶杯,青蛙侍卫与沙发为主要元素。 青蛙侍卫我想要提高包包的可玩性,所以选择了使用磁铁来控制蛙头的折叠和蛙蛙颈部饰品的替换,使用魔术贴来控制蛙蛙嘴边的装饰。 沙发包使用填棉的工艺将沙发的质感放到了包面上即增加了包包的手感又象征着红皇后渴望的权利。 茶壶包则是在壶口使用磁吸装置控制开合,在保留茶壶特性的同时增加包包的实用性。 希望大家可以一直保持童心。 Design Description: The Queen of Hearts is a character in the Disney movie Alice in Wonderland , symbolizing a certain uncontrollable passion, a blind and aimless rage. I hope to maintain a fairy tale style and increase the playability of my bag. Among them, I chose tea cups, frog guards, and sofas as as the main elements. Frog Guard: I want to improve the playability of my bag, so I chose to use magnets to control the folding of the frog head and the replacement of the frog neck accessories, and use Velcro to control the decoration of the frog mouth. The sofa bag uses the process of filling cotton to place the texture of the sofa on the surface of the bag, which increases the feel of the bag and symbolizes the rights that the Red Queen desires. The teapot bag is controlled by a magnetic suction device at the spout to open and close, while retaining the characteristics of the teapot and increasing the practicality of the bag. I hope everyone can always maintain a childlike innocence.

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