Bon Camino

Category: Apparel

在西班牙有一條朝聖步道,叫camino De Santiago ,是我二十歲想完成的目標,雖然我不是天主教徒,也不喜歡運動,但是我想要去挑戰,因為聽說當你走到了世界的盡頭,你將會體悟生命的意義,徒步的過程會很辛苦、會很累,但你總會在旅途中收穫意想不到風景。 The Camino De Santiago is a pilgrimage trail in Spain that I've always wanted to conquer. Despite not being a Catholic and not being fond of exercise, I see it as a personal challenge and a journey of self-discovery that promises to be transformative. The pilgrimage on foot will be strenuous and grueling, but I look forward to the landscapes, cultural experiences and people that I'll encounter along the way. The pilgrimage is said to be not only a physical challenge, but also a mental and spiritual one that requires endurance, perseverance and determination. The Camino De Santiago is not just a walk; it's a life-changing experience that allows you to connect with your inner self, your spirituality and the world around you. The lessons and insights gained from this journey will stay with me for a lifetime. I'm excited to be a part of this tradition and to start walking towards the end of the world.