Category: Apparel
With natural plants as the main source of inspiration, my work wants to show the spirit or state of plants that are calm, tenacious, swaying in the wind and blooming wantonly. The upper body mainly wants to show the appearance of flowers, while the skirt belt and tassels of the lower body are to express that although the roots of the plants are trapped in the soil, they are not bound. With the wind, they can reach anywhere. They are soft and strong at the same time. 以大自然植物作为主要灵感来源,我的作品想展现的是植物从容、顽强、随风飘摇和肆意绽放的精神或状态。上半身主要是想呈现的是花多明媚展开的样子,而下半身裙子腰带和流苏的部分则是想表达植物的根虽然是被困在泥土里,但它们并不是被束缚的,随风,它们也可以到达任何地方,它们是柔软的,同时也是坚强的。