Category: Apparel

“Pen Pusher” is inspired by the alienating working world which leads man to such estrangement to prevent him to recognize himself – a traditional way to conceive work leading to widespread dissatisfaction. The old office settings are the background, typical of Lars Tumbjork’s photographic projects, with cold furnishings with clean lines, labyrinths of spaces and meeting rooms in which only the irrepressible non-conformism of human nature can give a vital breath to urban lifestyle otherwise barren. An extremely serious and static world, evoked in the project through the volumes and typical cuts of old personal computers and mouse, main characters of an informatics revolution, considered necessary by society, which nonetheless, over the years, has hindered daily life and interfered with natural human interactions. The coat is designed to be completely cowhide (as per the brief). 50% is made of smooth leather and the remaining 50% of lasered (or carved) leather, to create a leather mesh.This type of leather processing was chosen to recall the concept, but also to allow the product to be made through upcycling, thus making it even more sustainable. In fact, one could think of recovering leather from garments (even damaged ones) and lasering it. I consider a product to be sustainable when it lasts over time, a product which is both of good quality and able to be recycled through upcycling, thus giving life to a new zero-impact garment; indeed, this product respects all the characteristics required by the brief: ease of recycling, reuse and disposal at the end of its life; the commercial feasibility.

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