Memphis in hand
Category: Accessories
Inspired by Memphis, this work pays homage to the Memphis Group, a group of creative workers who also have a rebellious spirit and a desire to break away from the austere design style of the 70s, creating with bright, witty, high-chroma tones, geometric shapes, and bold repetition, with a style that promotes decoration, emphasizes craftsmanship, and integrates traditional arts such as pop art, oriental art, and Afro-Latin America. Paying homage to them, the bag design is designed with a variety of colorful and bright geometric color blocks to create a Memphis bag. 此作品為風格為孟菲斯風格,致敬一群同樣懷著反叛精神、渴望跳脫 70 年代嚴肅設計風格的創意義大利工作者—「孟菲斯集團」,以明亮、風趣、彩度高的色調、幾何形狀以及大膽重複的方式創作,風格提倡裝飾,強調手工藝法,並融合普普藝術、東方藝術、非洲拉美等傳統藝術。 致敬他們,帶包設計上採用各種高彩明亮的幾何形色塊做結合,打造出一個孟菲斯的袋包。