Bat Luck
Category: Accessories
我的主題是幸運蝙蝠,初期發想來自「Felix Felicis」這個魔藥,Felix Felicis會給飲用者好運,但是過量飲用時會變成劇毒。在中文翻譯「福來福氣」裡面有「福」字,所以聯想到了蝙蝠。在東西方是不同的意義,西方認為蝙蝠是邪惡的象徵,但在東方卻象徵福壽的存在,所以我想透過設計來表達蝙蝠幸福和不幸的共存體。 設計上主要是用Felix Felicis原本設定的瓶子形狀結合蝙蝠倒掛作為包包形體。中心橢圓凹陷竄出金色流線動狀外層,期中以人類肋骨的形狀設計,包住包身代表幸與不幸都是來自人的心與慾望。 主色我參考了蝙蝠寶寶和魔藥的顏色:棕色和金色,想透過這個作品讓人可以感受到任何事物都像魔藥擁有一體兩面的模樣 My inspiration of the project is the potion "Felix Felicis." Felix Felicis grants luck to the drinker but can turn toxic if consumed excessively. In the Chinese translation of "福來福氣," the word "福" reminds me of bats. Bats have different meanings in the East and the West; while the West views bats as symbols of evil. In the East, they symbolize longevity and happiness. Therefore, I aim to express the coexistence of happiness and misfortune through design. The design combined the bottle shape of Felix Felicis with the inverted silhouette of a bat to form the structure of a bag. The central oval recess emits golden streamlines outward, resembling the shape of human ribs, symbolizing that both luck and misfortune stem from human desires and emotions. The main colors I referenced are the brown of baby bats and the gold of the potion, aiming to evoke the dual nature of everything is from human’s heart.