Eye of the Sanxingdui三星堆之睛

Category: Footwear

The"Vertical eye" of the ancient Sichuan silkworm cluster shines with a brilliant light, proving with the most powerful eyes that there is no such thing as a bird in the past 5,000 years. The Sanxingdui unearthed a number of cultural relics, such as Bronze Mask with Protruding Eyes, bronze statue, etc. . After the The Sundowners, the building is transformed into a pair of bright-eyed eyes behind the bronze and gold masks of Sanxingdui, blending the spirit and the form, making it seem as if people are walking between the past and the future. Products as a cultural transmission of the"Sleep for thousands of years, wake up the world's moral."古蜀王蚕丛的“纵目”闪烁着睿智的光芒,用最有力的眼神证明:上下五千年,并非子虚鸟有。三星堆遗址出土的多件文物,如青铜纵目面具、青铜大立人像等,形状夸张奇异怪诞。夕阳西下后,此座建筑仿佛变身成为三星堆青铜面具、黄金面罩背后那一双双目光如炬的眼睛,神形合一,让置身其中的人们仿佛游走在历史与未来之间。产品作为文化的载休传递了“沉睡数千年,一醒惊天下的寓意。