REX adventure
Category: Apparel
My project is inspired by dinosaur's fossils, it lets me think about if dinosaur didn't extinct how could they survive in this modern world. Their habitats are different than ours, we should think about the earth changes, people change, and maybe we also will extinct just like dinosaurs. The overall design is to use contrasting colors to bring out fantasy images of dinosaurs in ancient times. The back of the jacket uses textured leather to make a skeleton-like shape, as if the adventurous spirit of dinosaurs is supporting us behind. 設計靈感來源自恐龍化石,如果恐龍妹滅絕那他們還能與我們生存在這繁榮科技的世代,這讓我反思世界一直在不斷變化,科技的進步逐漸取代人類可做的事情,會不會有那麼一天我們人類也會和恐龍一樣從這個世界消失。 整體設計是運用對比色帶出一種對遠古時代恐龍的無限遐想,外套背後利用肌理感皮革做出類似骨骼的型態好像恐龍的冒險家精神就在背後支撐著我們。