vine of bag
Category: Accessories
灵感来源:以现代皮雕工艺与中华传统纹样为主要的灵感来源。将皮革材料通过切割与拼贴叠压等方式,结合传统纹样中的卷草纹与宝相花等元素,重新组合形成新的质感效果。 将皮革材料元素与充满生命力的藤蔓元素相结合,附着在造型圆润的手提包的皮质表层,为原本沉稳的皮革添加了一份清新自然的气质。 Source of inspiration: The main source of inspiration is modern leather carving technology and traditional Chinese patterns. By means of cutting and collage, the leather material is recombined to form a new texture effect by combining the elements of traditional patterns such as rolled grass pattern and treasure flower. The combination of leather material elements and vibrant vine elements attaches to the leather surface of the rounded handbag, adding a fresh and natural temperament to the original calm leather.