The hexenbiest of Laura Sillie
Category: Apparel
回去以后, 我原本灰暗寂冷的人生就像被一束光点燃, 我不知该如何描述那种死而复生之感, 就像是被很多双温暖的手从死亡的边缘轻轻拉回。 当我们没过几日再次来到罗拉西里时, 仿佛闯入了平行世界一般, 发现这里只是一间破旧的神社, 发黑腐朽的木柱, 无人问津的神龛。 When we get back, My dark, cold life was lit by a light, I don't know how to describe the feeling of being back from the dead, It was like being gently pulled back from the brink of death by many warm hands. When we returned to Lorasili a few days later, It was like stepping into a parallel world, Found out it was just a dilapidated shrine, Blackened and decaying wooden pillars, A shrine that no one cares about.