Category: Apparel
在日常生活中,我们每天都在说话,并把频率传递给别人,但有些时候,别人也无法理解我们的感受。这种不被别人理解的孤独,是每个人都会有的体验。有时候别人听不到我们的声音,或者我们不想听别人的声音,所有的声波频率都独自漂浮在城市中,幸运时,偶尔则会发生短暂的共振。同时,加上防水结实,具有特殊纹理的皮面料。因此,将以上两点进行创意结合,并采用视觉变化和前卫感进行此系列服装的设计。 In daily life, we talk every day and pass on the frequency to others, but sometimes others can't understand our feelings. This kind of loneliness that is not understood by others is an experience that everyone will have. Sometimes others can't hear our voices, or we don't want to hear other people's voices, and all the sound frequencies float alone in the city. When we are lucky, occasionally a short resonance occurs. At the same time, it is a leather fabric that is waterproof and strong and has a special texture. Therefore, the above two points are creatively combined, and visual changes and avant-garde sense are used to design this series of clothing.