Form integration(形融)

Category: Footwear

《形融》——不仅是再造,还是一种融合 您对本系列的初印象可能会觉得它充满了西方风情,让人联想到朋克文化的张扬、戏剧效果的夸张以及摇滚乐的无拘无束。实际上,该系列所运用的材料,是来源于中国侗族的传统面料——亮布。亮布常用来制作侗族的盛装和常服,属于梭织面料,不会毛边,可以随意剪裁。 从亮布面料本身就足以窥见其背后复杂的手工艺与极具地域性的风土人情。侗族人民将自纺自织的侗布进行蓝染,蓝染后再用红色染料染红,变成紫红色的布;之后进入最重要的环节——上浆,将牛皮胶和鸡蛋清均匀涂抹在面料上后,晾晒布料,进行捶打,此过程重复数十次。反复捶打后的牛皮胶可以固化棉布的纤维,使之更易平整,产生金属光泽。 将黑色亮布和紫红色亮布结合起来,形成正反面都是金属亮面的效果,使用翻折,抽褶,编织以及拼接的面料改造方式,这些方式可以将亮布面料从平面变为立体,增强亮布的体积感。亮布自身拥有的金属光泽,在面改的基础上再加入铆钉元素,融入朋克风格,增强其金属质感。帮面主要使用的材料为黑色漆皮革,黑色亮布和紫红色亮布,内衬使用的是黑色羊皮超纤,鞋跟部分使用成型的金属高跟鞋跟,鞋子配备内侧拉链,鞋头部分采用亮面镜面皮革。 用现代的设计手法,赋予亮布当代性,满足现代的审美需求,挖掘亮布工艺在当代鞋品设计中的应用价值,促进亮布工艺更好更快地走进当代生活,打破亮布只在本民族使用的界限,拓宽传统文化的传播范围。 Form Integration---It's not just reinvention, it's fusion. Your first impression of this series may be that it is full of Western flavor, reminiscent of the publicity of punk culture, the exaggeration of the dramatic effect, and the freedom of rock music. In fact, the material used in this series is derived from the traditional fabric of the Dong people in China - bright cloth. Bright cloth is commonly used to make Dong costumes and ordinary clothes, belonging to woven fabrics, not frayed, can be cut at will. From the bright fabric itself, it is enough to glimpse the complex handicraft and regional customs behind it. The Dong people will self-woven Dong cloth blue dye, blue dye and then red with red dye, into purple-red cloth; After that, the most important step is sizing. Cowhide glue and egg white are evenly applied to the fabric, then the fabric is dried and beaten. This process is repeated dozens of times. After repeated beating, the cowhide glue solidifies the fibers of the cotton cloth, making it more smooth and producing a metallic luster. The black bright cloth and purple bright cloth are combined to form the effect of metal bright surface on both sides. The fabric transformation methods of folding, pleating, weaving and splicing are used. These methods can change the bright fabric from plane to three-dimensional, enhancing the volume sense of bright cloth. The bright cloth has its own metallic luster, adding rivets on the basis of facial reform, integrating punk style, enhancing its metal texture. With modern design techniques, give bright cloth contemporary, meet the modern aesthetic needs, excavate the application value of bright cloth technology in contemporary shoe design, promote bright cloth technology into contemporary life better and faster, break the boundary of bright cloth only in the national use, and broaden the spread of traditional culture.