Category: Accessories
皮具设计作品《五行厝角》,选取潮州厝角头为灵感,潮州厝角头也称五行山墙,是潮州最具代表性的建筑装饰。根据形状的不同分为“金、木、水、火、土”五式。将金木水火土为基调,与现代设计风格融合。在色彩搭配上,运用红黄蓝绿棕与黑一一对应搭配,是一种经典的而又受欢迎的配色,在材料选择上,选用统一的皮料,使整体看起来具有统一性,这款《五行厝角》皮具作品呈现出一个新的具有传统文化和现代设计的时尚手袋。希望通过此次设计与制作可以构建出传统建筑与现代设计感包包的桥梁,将潮州古文化传承发扬起来。 The leather goods design work "Five Elements Cuo Jiao" takes inspiration from Chaozhou Cuo Jiao Tou, also known as the Five Elements Gable, which is the most representative architectural decoration in Chaozhou. According to their different shapes, they can be divided into five types: metal, wood, water, fire, and soil. Integrating gold, wood, water, fire, and earth as the fundamental tone with modern design style. In terms of color matching, the use of red, yellow, blue, green, brown, and black one-to-one matching is a classic and popular color scheme. In terms of material selection, a unified leather material is used to make the overall appearance unified. This "Five Elements Cuojiao" leather product presents a new fashionable handbag with traditional culture and modern design. I hope that through this design and production, we can build a bridge between traditional architecture and modern design, and promote the inheritance and development of Chaozhou's ancient culture.