和合-共生 Harmonious symbiosis

Category: Accessories

设计说明:以故宫为创作灵感,以“合和共生,守正出新”为主题,包体采用小牛皮材料,包体上的装饰采用了传统刺绣工艺,将古代纹样排列重组绣成绣片,绣片采用逐层叠放的立体放置的设计方法,造出具有延伸感的立体层叠空间。包形采用方形和圆形,蕴含“天圆地 方”的设计理念,动静互补,合和共生。 Design Description: Inspired by the Forbidden City. with the theme of harmony and coexistence, keeping the present and emerging the new. the inclusion body is made of calfskin material, and the decoration on the inclusion body is made of traditional embroidery technology. The ancient patterns are arranged and restructured into embroidery pieces. The embroidery pieces are designed by layer-by-layer three-dimensional placement to create a three-dimensional overlapping space with a sense of extension. The shape of the package is square and round, which contains the design concept of heaven is round and earth is round.