光而不耀 静水深流
Category: Apparel
生而无畏,从小我们每一个人都身怀伟大的梦想,升学升官升职,从牙牙学语到蹒跚学步,梦想的种子也随着年龄的变化而慢慢成长,十岁我们想着当飞行员,当科学家,当伟大的白衣天使,二十岁高中的三年生活在不断的打磨着我们的意念,慢慢的我们的梦想不在是飞行员科学家,而是考上大学,梦想的种子也随之变小,梦在何方,理在何处。三十岁真理真的不真,生活的本钱才是我们的梦想,小时候的飞行员,科学家随着年龄的变化真的不知道他们被哪一年的岁月抛弃,你所喜爱的东西也随着你的喜爱让他的价格更加昂贵,努力便成为你的唯一途径,我们常念不公,如果来审批的是我们不公真的会公平嘛,身处二十岁烦恼不多,做着自己喜欢做的事情,不为后果,只管前行。我的梦还尚有温存。 Born and fearless, every one of us has a great dream, from school to promotion, from babbling to toddling, the seed of the dream also grows slowly with the change of age, ten years old we want to be a pilot, when the scientist, when the great angel in white, two Ten years of high school life in the continuous grinding of our ideas, slowly our dream is not a pilot scientist, but admitted to university, the seed of the dream also became smaller, where the dream is, where the reason is. Thirty years old truth is really not true, the cost of life is us The dream, the childhood pilot, the scientist with age change really do not know which year they were abandoned, the things you love also with your love to make his price more expensive, hard will become your only way, we often read injustice, if to approve Is that we are unfair really will be fair, in the age of twenty, not much trouble, do what you like to do, not for the consequences, just move forward. My dream is still tender.