Category: Footwear
《重置印记》灵感来源于生活中一个困扰——难以消除的鞋印。将鞋印视为一种美丽的痕迹,融入了鞋子的设计之中。设计理念是将生活中的困扰转化为美丽的艺术表达,也想让人们重新认识了皮革痕迹还有多样的价值。 鞋印像人生中邂逅留下的痕迹,而将这些被鞋印深深烙印的鞋面解构,将其划分成若干个部分,每一个部分都模仿了鞋踩过的痕迹,再把鞋面重新组合。鞋面设计采用了水染工艺,模仿了鞋印的颜色和质感。这种工艺使得每一个鞋印都独一无二,充满了生活的温度。同时结合了古典的配色方案。这双鞋的设计让我们重新审视那些被我们忽视的细节,发现生活中的痕迹美。它让我们明白,皮革上擦不掉的每一个鞋印都是一个故事,每一个故事都是一个世界。应该用心去感受,去体验,去欣赏。 Reset Mark 的灵感来自生活中的一个小烦恼——难以摆脱的鞋印。鞋印被视为美丽的痕迹,融入到鞋的设计中。设计理念是将生活的迷茫转化为美好的艺术表达,也让人们重新认识皮革痕迹的多元价值。 鞋子就像是生活中相遇留下的痕迹,是落在人身上的树叶,每一双鞋都像一本沉甸甸的日记,记录着我们的生活和回忆。鞋面深深地印上了鞋印,形成了华丽而有趣的元素。鞋子的设计使用了记忆和创新的元素;鞋面被解构并分为几个部分。每款鞋面均采用水染工艺,模仿鞋印的颜色和质感。这个过程使每个鞋印都独一无二。然后又把它放回原处。仿佛人生的故事在鞋子上留下了独特的印记。同时,结合经典配色方案,采用高饱和度的边缘,用鞋也是厚实的高跟皮靴,让整个鞋印元素有现代感,又不失韵味。考虑鞋面本身的质量和耐用性。皮革染色工艺可以使鞋印痕迹不易褪色脱落,可以陪伴穿着者走过更多的道路,留下更多的回忆。 这双鞋的设计不仅是对现实的模仿,也是对未来的探索。它让我们重新审视我们忽略的细节,发现我们生活中的美丽。它让我们明白,每一个无法从皮革上抹去的鞋印都是一个故事,每一个故事都是一个世界。去感受,去体验,去欣赏。Reset Mark is inspired by one of life's little annoyances - shoe prints that are hard to get rid of. The shoe print is regarded as a beautiful trace and integrated into the design of the shoe. The design concept is to transform the perplexity of life into a beautiful artistic expression, and also to let people re-understand the diverse value of leather traces. Shoes are like traces left by encounters in life, are the leaves that fall on people's bodies, each pair of shoes is like a heavy diary, recording our lives and memories. The upper, which is deeply imprinted by the shoe prints, forms a gorgeous and interesting element. The design of the shoes uses elements of memory and innovation; The upper of the shoe is deconstructed and divided into several parts. Each upper adopts a water-dyeing process to imitate the color and texture of the shoe print. This process makes each shoe print unique. And put it back together again. It is as if the story of life has left a unique mark on the shoe. At the same time, the combination of classical color scheme, the use of high-saturation edges, the use of shoes are also thick high-heeled leather boots, so that the entire shoe print elements have a modern sense, without losing charm. Consider the quality and durability of the upper itself. The leather dyeing process can be used to make the shoe print marks not easy to fade and fall off, which can accompany the wearer through more roads and leave more memories. The design of this pair of shoes is not only an imitation of reality, but also an exploration of the future. It makes us re-examine the details that we have overlooked and discover the beauty in our lives. It makes us understand that every shoe print that can't be erased from the leather is a story, and every story is a world. To feel, to experience, to appreciate.