时间齿轮 Time Gear
Category: Apparel
本次设计《时间齿轮》是从时间的流转中汲取灵感,将时间的流逝与服装设计相结合。通过独特的造型和皮革渐变面料,展现时间对人生的影响和人们对时间的感知。通过皮革这一坚韧而富有质感的面料,象征时间的坚韧与持久。深棕色、卡其色、米色等色彩的运用,寓意时间的深沉与流转。仿佛在每一道缝线、每一处细节中,都蕴藏着时间的痕迹。在造型上采用流畅的线条和几何图案,通过剪裁和拼接,将服装的各个部分巧妙地组合在一起,形成独特的视觉效果。将不同色彩和质感的皮革组合在一起,形成时间流逝的层次感,通过线条的交错和流动,展现时间的动态美。The design "Time Gear" draws inspiration from the flow of time, combining the passage of time with clothing design. Through the unique shape and leather gradient fabric, show the impact of time on life and people's perception of time. Through this tough and textured fabric, leather symbolizes the tenacity and durability of time. The use of dark brown, khaki, beige and other colors implies the depth and flow of time. As if there were traces of time in every seam, in every detail. In the shape of the use of smooth lines and geometric patterns, through cutting and stitching, the various parts of the clothing artfully combined together to form a unique visual effect. Different colors and textures of leather are combined to form a sense of the passing of time, and through the interleaving and flowing of lines, the dynamic beauty of time is shown.