floating at ease自在飘浮

Category: Accessories

《自在飘浮》是为大码女性设计的作品,的灵感来自天上的云。 我提取云的姿态去修饰大码女性身上的曲线帮助他们变得更美丽, 更自信。此作品由一款单肩包和一款斜挎包组成,斜挎包肩带 可以缓解大码女性在背包时胸部的挤压变形,同时也可以取下肩带 变成腋下包。 《Floating at ease》 is a piece for plus size women, inspired by the clouds in the sky.I extracted the gesture of the cloud to modify the curves of plus size women to help them become more beautiful andI have taken the pose of the cloud to help them become more beautiful and confident. The piece is made up of a shoulder bag and a cross body bag with a shoulder strap The shoulder strap can be removed to make an underarm bag. It can also be turned into an underarm bag.