Category: Accessories
海洋的樣貌千變萬化,天氣好的早上是天空藍 ,漸漸地入夜後又變成了藍灰色 ,而海浪拍打出的浪花則是白色的。我以海邊的燈塔做發想結合海洋的顏色,他不僅指引漁行的歸來 ,也象徵保育海洋的燈塔 ,引領我們好好愛護海洋 。
海洋的樣貌千變萬化,天氣好的早上是天空藍 ,漸漸地入夜後又變成了藍灰色 ,而海浪拍打出的浪花則是白色的。我以海邊的燈塔做發想結合海洋的顏色,他不僅指引漁行的歸來 ,也象徵保育海洋的燈塔 ,引領我們好好愛護海洋 。
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Working with our partners at Arts Thread to develop lifelong learning and career opportunities for students of fashion and design. Our partnership provides the opportunity to compete on a world stage, participate in industry led workshops, set up an outstanding portfolio and gain access to the resources that will kickstart careers in fashion and design.