海与城sea and city

Category: Accessories

作品将海洋保护的概念以海龟为原型进行设计,一款在都市生活中能够携带的包包。想要表达我们忙碌于都市生活的同时,也想告诉人们和我们共同生活在地球上的海洋生物们的处境以及海洋环境的恶化。为此想要呼吁大家关注海洋环境保护并做出行动。 The work designs the concept of marine protection based on turtles, a bag that can be carried in urban life. While we want to express that we are busy living in the city, we also want to tell people about the situation of the marine life we live with on the earth and the deterioration of the marine environment. To this end, I would like to call on everyone to pay attention to marine environmental protection and take action.