Category: Accessories
本作标题《Eugenio》源于希腊语,意味着“高贵的种族或血统”。这一名字蕴含深情,浓烈且开放的寓意,常用于表达深沉的爱意。 而本作品的灵感来源于希腊的两位女神:爱与美的女神——阿芙洛狄忒,以及月神——阿尔忒弥斯。 阿佛洛狄忒是火与工匠之神赫菲斯托斯的妻子,在古希腊、古罗马以及文艺复兴时期艺术作品中,她被塑造成绝色美人,而有关于她的最著名的雕像,是在米洛斯岛出土的“米洛斯的阿弗洛狄忒”。因为是工匠之神的妻子,故而球包的主体设计借鉴了希腊时期的建筑纹样,立体对称的纹样体现了当时工艺水平的精湛。同时,在她的身边跟随着小爱神,他射出的箭,金色的可以使两人坠入爱河,银色的则会引起嫉恨,故而设计的时候手柄设计了两种颜色。 这款包包的另一个灵感故事,来自月神阿尔忒弥斯,她在夜晚会身穿白袍,头戴月冠,故而包型做成球包,象征着圆月。而白天的她,则是象征着勇气的狩猎女神,箭在这里也代表了阿尔忒弥斯手持弓箭,由猎狗伴随,与侍奉她的众仙女狩猎的场景。 The title of this work "Eugenio" originates from Greek and means "noble race or bloodline". This name carries a deep, strong, and open meaning, often used to express deep love. The inspiration for this work comes from two Greek goddesses: Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, and Artemis, the goddess of the moon. Aphrodite is the wife of Hephaestus, the god of fire and craftsmanship. She was portrayed as a stunning beauty in ancient Greek, Roman, and Renaissance art, and the most famous statue of her is the Aphrodite of Milos, unearthed on the island of Milos. As the wife of the god of craftsmanship, the main design of the ball bag draws inspiration from Greek architectural patterns, and the three-dimensional symmetrical patterns reflect the exquisite craftsmanship of that time. At the same time, following the little god of love by her side, he shot arrows. The golden one can make the two fall in love, while the silver one can cause jealousy. Therefore, the handle was designed in two colors. Another inspiration story for this bag comes from the moon god Artemis, who wears a white robe and a lunar crown at night. Therefore, the bag is shaped into a ball bag, symbolizing the full moon. During the day, she is the hunting goddess symbolizing courage, and the arrow here also represents the scene of Artemis holding a bow and arrow, accompanied by hunting dogs, and hunting with the fairies who serve her.