Neurons bag

Category: Accessories

總是在想著腦袋之所以叫腦袋 是不是因為其就像是裝滿了資訊的大袋子 那傳遞腦袋中訊息的神經元不就成了這大袋子中 裝著許多細小物品的小包包了嗎 而在查詢了神經元之後 沒想到其意外的令人感到美麗 不禁讓我想著:那不如真的把它們做成包包好了! 便構思出以神經元的細胞本體為包包 而神經元也都是互相連接且不獨立的 所以便有許多互相連接的包體 而包體與包體連接處便可以被視作每個神經元細胞本體中突出且相連的髓鞘 再有其中一條髓鞘作為包包之提把 便構成了這個包款 I often wonder why the organ inside our head is called the brain. Perhaps it's because the brain is like a big bag filled with information, and the neurons that transmit messages within the brain are like small bags holding tiny items within this big bag. After studying neurons, I unexpectedly found them to be beautiful, which made me think, why not make them into actual bags? So, I came up with the idea of using the cell bodies of neurons as the main body of the bags, and since neurons are interconnected and not independent, there are many interconnected bags. The connection between the bags can be viewed as the myelin sheath, which protrudes and connects each cell body of the neuron, and one of the myelin sheaths can serve as the handle of the bag. And thus, this design of the bag is created.