
Category: Footwear

這次風格是從奇幻到許多聯想讓我想到流動、線、幾何,主題也從線所以得出無數,所以生活有無數的選擇讓人去選要走出不同的生活,如果我堅持在單一的道路上不會看到濃淡深淺不一的調色盤,人生就是要創造出一些科技但一點也不科幻的數位風貌! This time, the style is from fantasy to many associations, which remind me of flow, line, and geometry, and the themes are derived from lines, so there are countless choices in life, so people can choose to walk out of different lives. If I stick to a single path You will not see color palettes with different shades, life is to create some digital features that are technological but not sci-fi at all!

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