Category: Accessories
I’m of the opinion that environmental friendlyon Earth can be recycled, so by using blue cloth and green cloth to symbolize water and trees.In order to make things look circular, I use the way of interweaving fabrics to show and think that these recycled things are made with different shapes each time, so the design uses buttons to shape different shapes to achieve different shapes, and at the same time, the fabricable shape also makes the bag more in line with the needs of each user. 我認為任何在地球上的東西都可以被循環利用,因此透過使用藍色布料和綠色布料象徵水和樹。為了讓東西看起來有循環的感覺,我利用了布料交織的方式展示也認為這些循環利用的東西每次被製造出來的外型不同,所以在設計上利用鈕扣造型出不同樣子來達到不同外形的效果,與此同時在可捏造的造型上也讓包包可以更符合使用者每個當下的需求。