Category: Accessories
中文介绍: 皮具的配色参考主要来源于明代武官胄甲,由于明光锁子纹将校甲的黑红配色应用于皮具之上有一定的奇怪,市场上大众所喜好的皮具也极少有黑红配色,以此不予采用。在查阅资料时发现了明代武官胄甲,其配色灵活巧妙,多种颜色掺杂也不会令人觉得眼花缭乱、喧宾夺主,因此更适用于使用在皮具之上;在皮具的外观设计中,考虑到灵感来源于明光锁子纹将校甲,并且整体也是明代的铠甲风格,在卡扣处以龙头、虎头、狮头等动物头雕进行装饰,最终的设计方案敲定为在卡扣处之上以圆形锁子纹皮料做遮盖,在此基础上加以龙头锁扣装饰以起到点缀的作用;一方面解决了如何遮盖四合扣外露的金属部分的问题,另一方面也使皮具整体更加突出了中国古代铠甲的视觉效果。皮具的颜色参考主要来自明朝的武官铠甲,因为明光链纹会把校甲的黑红配套在皮具上有一定的陌生感,市面上大众偏爱的皮具也很少有黑红两色, 所以他们没有被采用。在查阅资料时发现,明代武官铠甲灵活巧妙,多种颜色不会让人感到眼花缭乱和嘈杂,因此更适合用于皮具。 英文介绍: The color reference of leather goods mainly comes from the military attache armor of the Ming Dynasty, because the Mingguang chain pattern will apply the black and red color of the school armor to the leather goods There is a certain strangeness, and the leather goods preferred by the public on the market also rarely have black and red colors, so they are not adopted. When consulting the information, it was found that the military attache armor of the Ming Dynasty was flexible and ingenious, and a variety of colors would not make people feel dazzled and noisy, so it was more suitable for use in leather goods; In the appearance design of leather goods, considering that the inspiration comes from the Mingguang chain pattern will be the school armor, and the whole is also the armor style of the Ming Dynasty, the buckle is decorated with animal head carvings such as dragon heads, tiger heads, and lion heads, and the final design scheme is finalized to cover the buckle with circular chain pattern leather on the top of the buckle, and on this basis, the dragon head lock is decorated to play a role in embellishment; On the one hand, it solves the problem of how to cover the exposed metal part of the snap button, and on the other hand, it also makes the overall leather goods more prominent in the visual effect of ancient Chinese armor. The color reference of leather goods mainly comes from the military attache armor of the Ming Dynasty, because the Mingguang chain pattern will match the black and red of the school armor on the leather goods with a certain sense of strangeness, and the leather goods favored by the public on the market are rarely black and red, so they are not adopted. When consulting the information, it was found that the armor of the military attache of the Ming Dynasty was flexible and ingenious, and the variety of colors did not make people feel dazzling and noisy, so it was more suitable for leather goods.