The Black Veil
Category: Accessories
黑色的面紗 優雅的、神秘的,我覺得每個人的內心,都住著一隻魟魚。 魟魚,他可以緩慢,也可以迅速,在這個忙碌的時代裏,每個人馬不停蹄的追逐著時間,也或許會短暫停留,看似毫無目的,像是在海裡隨波逐流,但實際上,是為了生存,為了自己的目標,一小步一小步的前進。 此作品的外型是魟魚發想,在皮革方面,我希望能將材質做成一點一點的顆粒狀,才能更貼近魟魚的皮膚。利用魟魚移動時所造成的角度問題,我做了兩款配色。在包包的使用方面,我想了兩種方式,一種是手提,另一種是可以後揹,後揹的揹帶做成可拆式的。 我的主題是黑色的面紗,我認為魟魚大部分都為黑色,且在海中的流動感,就像一塊面紗在空中飄盪一樣,是如此的優雅,是如此的神秘。就好像每個人一定都有別人不為人知的一面,渴望、好奇,隨處看看,在這個寬闊的世界,好像要找尋些什麼一樣。 The Black Veil "Elegant and mysterious, I feel that within each person resides a stingray. The stingray, it can move slowly or swiftly. In this busy era, everyone is relentlessly chasing time, yet perhaps momentarily pausing, seemingly aimlessly drifting in the sea, but in reality, it's for survival, for one's goals, taking small steps forward. This design is inspired by the stingray. In terms of leather, I hope to create a texture resembling the grains of its skin. I've created two color schemes based on the angles created by the stingray's movement. As for the functionality of the bag, I've considered two ways: handheld and backpack, with the backpack strap being detachable. My theme is the black veil. I believe most stingrays are black, and their fluid movement in the sea resembles a veil drifting in the air, so elegant, so mysterious. Just like how everyone must have an unknown side, craving, curious, exploring everywhere, in this vast world, as if searching for something."