Category: Apparel
作品灵感说明: 人类因处于阴暗潮湿的环境和思想中,脑里逐渐长出蘑菇。 也许,蘑菇可以拯救世界!地球会用他自己的方式治愈自己,但人类也终将用自己的行为惩戒自己。 蘑菇作为自然界的分解者用它小小的能量传达着“共生法则“蘑菇的生长环境通常十分恶劣,它们在阴暗潮湿的角落安家,长期得不到阳光和肥料,常常面临着自生自灭的状况。 女性主义突破“蘑菇期”发声便能得到重视,这种想法过于理想化。任何一种思潮在最开始的时候,都要经历一个比较灰暗的阶段的“蘑菇期”。而这种“蘑菇期”正是应该坚持也最难坚持的关键阶段。 Mushrooms gradually grow in the human brain due to being in a dark and humid environment and thinking. Perhaps mushrooms can save the world! The Earth will heal itself in its own way, but humanity will eventually punish itself with its own actions. Mushrooms, as decomposers in nature, use their small energy to convey the "law of symbiosis". Mushrooms usually grow in extremely harsh environments, settling in dark and humid corners without receiving sunlight and fertilizer for a long time, often facing a situation of self growth and self destruction. The idea that feminism can be valued by breaking through the "mushroom period" and speaking out is too idealistic. At the beginning, any ideological trend must go through a relatively dark stage of the "mushroom period". And this "mushroom phase" is the crucial stage that should be persisted and the most difficult to persist in.