Category: Apparel
灵感来源:灵感来自于西洋伞投射在地上的影子提取出来的廓形,将西洋伞与洋式风格衣物相结合,选取了欧洲的层叠高领做立领造型,采用皮质面料打造出整体硬挺的造型效果,同时立领和束腰裙可以拆卸,实现了更多的便捷性和舒适性,也为服装的穿搭提供了更多的可选择性。 Inspiration source: Inspiration comes from the silhouette extracted from the shadow projected by Western umbrellas on the ground. Western umbrellas are combined with Western style clothing, and European layered high necks are selected for the stand up collar design. The leather fabric is used to create an overall rigid styling effect. At the same time, the stand up collar and waist skirt can be disassembled, achieving more convenience and comfort, and providing more choices for clothing dressing.