小大人-Little adult

Category: Design

I have been searching for my inner voice, finding my place, and having some experiences, but my own experience is not enough to resist the current state. I want to understand everyone's feelings about growing up as an adult, the taste of living in the adult world, and find a breakthrough point for young adults who have just entered society. I interviewed 7 adults who had just entered society, and they expressed that they were still children in terms of mentality, which is what I called "little adults". I learned from the interviews that McDonald's and other small objects were deeply impressed in their childhood memories. Therefore, I used McDonald's as my design element, and continued childhood memories in a sustainable way into our clothing. I combined suits with McDonald's elements, Design a series of leather suits. As we age, we return to nature, and this garment can also return to nature, carrying our memories together to become nature. 我一直在寻找自己内心的声音,找到自己的位置,有了一定的经历,但自身的阅历不足以对抗目前的状态,想要了解大家对于成长为大人的感受,在成人世界生活的滋味,为刚步入社会的小大人们找寻一个突破点。我采访了7位刚刚步入社会的成年人,他们表示自己的心态上还是一个小孩子,正是我所说的“小大人”,我从采访中了解到他们的童年记忆中印象深刻的有麦当劳以及其他小物件,于是我将麦当劳作为我的设计元素,将童年的回忆以一种可持续的方式延续到我们的服装上,我将西装与麦当劳元素结合,设计出一系列皮衣西装。在我们慢慢老去时,归于自然,这个服装也可以归回自然,带着我们的记忆一起成为自然。