第二十一次快门(21st shutter)
Category: Apparel
此次灵感源自胶片机手动上卷的第一次过片,“燃烧的片头”作为“试拍”,在我们按下快门的那一秒,和日后的审慎相较,它也许没有享受到一些精准的测光、对焦、构图……甚至冲扫之后,这些在底片上序号为零的留白照片大部分时间也被尘封在名为“废片”的草稿箱里。但重拾这些照片,思考到底在何时何地按下了这一次快门,而这一层思考又重整了所谓“无意义”的边界:“无意义”是不可置否,“意义”又是的确存在。以此表达自身对于时间观念的深刻思考。 This inspiration comes from the first pass of manually winding the film machine, where the "burning film head" serves as a "trial shot". In the second we press the shutter button, compared to later caution, it may not have enjoyed some precise metering, focusing, composition... even after scanning, these blank photos with zero serial numbers on the negative are mostly dusted in a draft box called "waste film". But picking up these photos and thinking about when and where the shutter was pressed, this layer of thinking has reorganized the boundaries of so-called "meaningless": "meaningless" cannot be denied, and "meaning" does indeed exist. To express one's profound reflection on the concept of time.