芭蕾舞曲 Balletto
Category: Accessories
设计灵感来自源芭蕾舞,运用芭蕾舞蹈服中的褶皱元素以及活力清新的粉色,材料选用绸缎质感的牛皮贴合芭蕾舞蹈服的材质,并将芭蕾风与cleanfit风格结合进行设计。包体分为内外两个包结合,可根据服装以及应用场合分成两个包随意搭配,也可一起背更具有层次。芭蕾与clean fit,一个是优雅艺术,一个是时尚风格,它们的共同点在于对美的追求和细节的把控。芭蕾的优美动作、精致服装和clean fit的简洁线条、精致剪裁都体现了对美的极致追求。 The design is inspired by ballet, using the pleated elements of ballet costumes and vibrant and fresh pink, the material is made of satin cowhide to fit the material of the ballet dress, and the ballet style is combined with cleanfit style. The bag body is divided into two bags, which can be divided into two bags according to clothing and application occasions, and can also be carried together to have more layers. Ballet and clean fit, one is elegant art, the other is fashion style, what they have in common lies in the pursuit of beauty and the control of details. The ballet's graceful movements, delicate costumes and clean fit's clean lines and delicate cuts all reflect the ultimate pursuit of beauty.