Category: Footwear
Design inspiration:in the film“Sand dunes”, feel a medieval classical color and sci-fi elements of the composition of the art style. Retro-futurism is a social ethos about how people in the past imagined the future. It not only presents a mysterious and dangerous dune world, but also probes into the profound themes of human nature, power, fate and so on.The Dune shoes combine a sense of technology (robotic arms) with a retro-brown leather feel, and are a cinematic metaphor for behemoth aesthetics. 设计灵感: 在影片《沙丘》中,感受到中世纪古典色彩与科幻元素构成的艺术风格。复古未来主义是一种关于过去人们如何想象未来的社会风气。它不仅呈现了一个神秘而危险的沙丘世界,而且探讨了人性、力量、命运等深刻的主题。Dune系列鞋履体现了科技感(机械手臂)与咖色皮质的复古主义的结合,并在其中隐喻巨物美学这一电影特色。