Category: Design
我的皮雕云肩以“蝴蝶涅槃”为主题,灵感源自蝴蝶从蛹中破茧而出的生命历程。涅槃象征重生与希望,通过细腻的皮雕工艺,将蝴蝶的美丽与坚韧表现得淋漓尽致。工艺中凸显了皮具手工制作以及染色等工艺,雕刻内容将每一片云肩都融入了自然的律动和生命的力量,也展现出在逆境中重生的勇气和对未来的期盼。这件作品不仅是对蝴蝶的赞美,更是对生命力的礼赞。 This leather carved cloud shoulder with the theme of "Butterfly Nirvana" is inspired by the rebirth process of a butterfly emerging from its cocoon. Through exquisite leather carving techniques, the beautiful moment of butterfly transformation from pupa is presented, symbolizing the rebirth and hope of life. The design combines natural elements and elegant lines to show the beauty and tenacity of butterflies. Every detail expresses the courage to gain a new life in the face of adversity, giving the works profound meaning of life.