白日梦 Daydreaming
Category: Apparel
本主题作品名《Daydreaming》,围绕着一些年轻人休闲随性的生活状态展开,这种街头的方式给人一种舒适的感觉,作品面料主要为真牛皮,真皮的各种运用、形式、状态皆是要挑战的内容,运用皮与皮拼接的方式,时尚的同时又有些许趣味,更好的诠释作品本身。 The title of this piece is "Daydreaming", focusing on the leisurely and carefree lifestyle of some young people. This street style gives a comfortable vibe. The main fabric used in the work is genuine cowhide, with various applications, forms, and conditions of real leather being the challenging aspects. By using a combination of leather and patchwork, it's both fashionable and a bit playful, providing a better interpretation of the work itself.