
Category: Apparel

在我的設計理念中,我希望打破常規,將烏托邦的概念帶回到我們這個世俗世界。雖然對許多人而言,烏托邦可能是個遙不可及的幻想,但我相信,通過設計,我們可以創造出一種接近理想世界的體驗。 阿維亞尼將烏托邦視為一個現實,他不僅僅是在描繪理想世界的藍圖,更是在思考這個理想世界應該具備哪些特質。他創造了一個在住與移動之間流動的雛形,並邀請觀眾進入一個去掉浮華與修飾的空間,讓人們在這個極簡的環境中重新激發多維度的感知。 我的設計理念基於阿維亞尼的這個概念。我試圖通過服裝設計營造一種回歸本質的感覺,拒絕過度裝飾,強調功能性與多維度的體驗。在這個極簡的世界中,每一件服裝都具有清晰的目的,設計上追求簡約但不簡單,呈現出自然與優雅的平衡。 我邀請觀眾進入這個理想的世界,在這裡,視覺、觸覺、感官和情感都可以得到全新的啟發。通過服裝設計,我希望為人們帶來一種烏托邦式的體驗,一個沒有浮華,卻充滿創意和多樣性的空間。這個理念的核心不僅僅是為了展示設計的美感,更是為了探索在世俗世界中實現理想的可能性。 In my design concept, I aim to break conventions and bring the idea of utopia back into our mundane world. Although for many, utopia might seem like a distant fantasy, I believe that through design, we can create an experience that brings us closer to this ideal world. Aviani treats utopia as a tangible reality. He is not merely drawing a blueprint for a perfect world, but contemplating the essential qualities that should define such a place. He creates a model of ideal living that flows between dwelling and movement, inviting viewers into a space stripped of excess and ornamentation, where multi-dimensional senses are reawakened. My design concept is inspired by Aviani's idea. I seek to evoke a sense of returning to essentials through my fashion designs, rejecting over-embellishment, and emphasizing functionality and multi-dimensional experiences. In this minimalistic world, each piece of clothing has a clear purpose, designed with simplicity yet complexity, achieving a balance between naturalness and elegance. I invite the audience into this ideal world, where sight, touch, senses, and emotions can be reawakened. Through fashion design, I hope to create a utopian experience—a space without ostentation, yet rich in creativity and diversity. The core of this concept is not just to showcase the beauty of design but to explore the possibility of realizing an ideal in a world grounded in reality.