Armour light《甲光》
Category: Apparel
灵感来源: 灵感源于中国的唐朝女将士樊梨花在战场中身穿甲胄的形象,选取以唐朝甲胄中常见的甲片作为视觉中心,中国人将甲胄视为华夏武倍精神的载体,是一幅熔炼于战火的图腾,甲胃之魂,由鲜血铸造,被工艺加持,用沧桑的死亡和华丽的荣耀,奏响一曲狂放的战歌。 面料: 1.全粒面牛皮面料:表面有天然纹理,具有良好的透气性耐久性和美观性,整体复古大气 2.皮编织工艺:贯穿系列,重复的编织可以模仿古代甲胄纹理,有层次又具有风格,运用了结绳编织麻草编织和裁片编织 3.漆皮面料:漆皮小牛皮具有光泽,作为服装上一些边边上的点缀,增加了生动性 色彩: 色彩是甲胄与流行色的结合,使服装更具有时尚个性,深色调强调甲胄的威风与肃杀,水泥灰和礼服蓝作为主色大面积运用,葡萄酒红和探戈橘做为点缀使服装更加丰富 Inspiration: The inspiration comes from Fan Lihua. She was a female general in Tang Dynasty . She always wearing armor in the battlefield. For this outfit I chose the armor as my inspiration . Chinese people regard armor as the courage and powerful spirit. The armor means a wild melody and also means will bring gorgeous glory. Fabric: 1. Full-grain calfskin leather : The surface of this fabric with the natural texture, good breathability, durability and good aesthetics,also suitable for retro design feeling 2. Leather weaving techniques:repeated weaving technique can imitate the ancient armor texture, with layering and stylish. Using knot rope weaving technique,hemp weaving technique and cutting pieces weaving technique in order to achieve different textures. 3. Patent leather : Patent calfskin is glossy which is suitable for the hem, make it looks vivid. Colour: Combinating armors colors and colors from trend website. so that the garment is more fashionable. Cement gray and blue are widely used as the main colors. Deep colors emphasize the seriousness of armor. And wine red and tango orange are used as embellishment to enrich the outfit.