Category: Accessories
以涼亭為主體設計一款開蓋式的包包,包身以六角柱體主體,運用台灣鐵窗花與國花的元素繪製在主體上,並以切割鏤空方式呈現;蓋子以皮繩編織成涼亭的垂脊;提把與開關,象徵多種好的寓意的天珠(瑪瑙)作為包包開關的擋珠並連接到主體兩側,提把也是用編織固定。 Design an open-top bag with a pavilion as the main body. The bag body is made of a hexagonal cylinder. The elements of Taiwan's iron window grille and national flower are used to draw on the main body and are presented in a cut-out manner. The lid is woven with leather ropes to resemble the pavilion. Vertical ridge; handle and switch, Dzi beads (agate) symbolizing various good meanings are used as stop beads for the bag switch and are connected to both sides of the main body. The handle is also fixed with braiding.