The Historian
Category: Apparel
Inspired by the phrase "bury me in this," often used to describe cherished clothing, "The Historian" collection chronicles culture and the human experience through garments that endure beyond death. This collection uses repurposed fabrics, cultural influences, and curated remnants to encapsulate the rich tapestry of life. At its core, "The Historian" collection explores the human tendency to attach profound significance to material possessions. Each piece aims to become a future archival treasure, preserving memories, traditions, and personal narratives. Sustainability and resourcefulness are central to the collection. All leather components in the collection are off-cuts sourced from various leathergoods and garment manufacturer accross England. “The Historian” aims to utilize small leather scraps that would have otherwise been discarded by the leathergoods industry. Charms, jeweleries, and trims used throughout the collection are also scavenged from second-hand sources to minimize waste.These materials, rich with history and character, serve as canvases for storytelling, adding authenticity and depth to every garment. Celebrating the diversity of human experience, "The Historian" draws from various cultural influences. Stitchwork, motifs, and embellishments reflect a mosaic of traditions, evoking wanderlust and cultural exchange. The collection aspires to be a future archive, chronicling human existence and preserving heritage with physical durability and cultural endurance. Embracing the ceremonial aspect of clothing as a form of ritual and remembrance, "The Historian" exudes reverence and solemnity. Each garment carries symbolic significance, serving as a vessel for catharsis and commemoration. Whether for funeral processions or wedding ceremonies, clothing marks life's milestones, and this collection honors that tradition. "The Historian" is a testament to the enduring power of clothing as a means of self-expression, storytelling, and cultural preservation. It stands as a melancholic yet celebratory ode to life's diverse tapestry, inviting wearers to reflect on their journey, cherish defining moments, and find solace in remembrance. Through somber yet vibrant designs, the collection engages in the timeless dialogue of human experience, culture, and memory.