风信子--Hyacinthus orientalist

Category: Accessories

风信子-重生的爱 这次设计的主旨是可持续,原材料取自一个皮革公司生产问的皮革废料,尽可能的保留了皮革本身的形状并采用钩针的方式拼接这些废弃 皮料,希望这些皮革边角料重生在我的包上面,像风信子一样开满我的包。包带以及包身多处采用拼皮,尽可能的运用皮料,使其没有太多的废料。 Hyacinthus orientalis- Reborn Love The main idea of this design is sustainable. The raw material is taken from the leather waste produced by a leather company. The shape of the leather is preserved as much as possible and the waste material is crocheted together. I want these leather regenerate on my bag, just like Hyacinthus orientalist blossoming all over the bag. The belt and body adopt splicing process in many places, and use leather as much as possible, so that there is not too much waste material.