Fire of Life

Category: Apparel

生命源于火山活动,火山的爆发导致炽热的岩浆喷涌而出,地球内部强大的生命力也随之展现。随着人们对于自然的探索欲越来越高,自然爱好者们都会徒步前往火山观看该自然奇观。以此为灵感,本设计运用皮革、针织、提花面料等材料进行搭配,以黑、银、红为主色调以及多实用口袋为设计亮点,同时运用环保卡扣与拉链作为辅料,构建出具有可持续户外风格的服装作品。 Life is born from volcanic activity, which erupts and causes hot magma to erupt and reveal the vitality of the Earth's interior. As the desire to explore nature grows, nature lovers hike to the volcano to see the natural wonder. Inspired by this, the design uses leather, knitted fabric, jacquard fabrics and other materials to match, with black, silver, red as the main color palette and multi-functional pockets as the design highlights, and uses eco-friendly buckles and zippers as accessories to create a sustainable outdoor style clothing.