Category: Apparel
设计说明:世界给予人们太多的束缚和归顺,人们希望能在束缚的 缝隙中找寻真正的自我,在这个裤装中有许多皮带的设计,代表的就是 束缚和归顺;人们希望在这战火丛生的土地上,找寻可持续发展的方法, 所以采用了可降解材料和针织材料作为搭配;人们满身枷锁却内心向阳, 在裤装的廓形上也采用了不对称和比较张扬外扩的形状来表达自我。 The world gives people too much constraints and obedience, and people hope to be able to overcome these constraints Searching for the true self in the gaps, there are many belt designs in this pants, representing Binding and obedience; People hope to find sustainable development methods in this war-torn land,So biodegradable materials and knitted materials were used as a combination; People are full of shackles but their hearts are sunny,Asymmetric and relatively exaggerated shapes were also used in the silhouette of the pants to express oneself